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Getting the Most Out of Your VMware Workloads in the Microsoft Azure Cloud

Azure VMware Solution

In any industry the availability to scale to meet demand is paramount. Having a technology infrastructure in place to do so could be the difference between success and failure. Cloud services are designed to fulfill this exact need. However, organizations that make this realization and shift their resources face many questions: what type of cloud best matches our needs? How do we know which services we need? Should we choose on-premises, public, or a hybrid cloud? Finding answers – or even knowing if you’re asking the right questions – can seem daunting.

There are several traditional avenues to Azure cloud migration, the simplest being to create a Microsoft Azure account and start with the free subscription services. From there, building your cloud infrastructure is as easy as selecting which pay-as-you-go features you want and scaling as needed. The downside to this approach is that the costs associated with your cloud infrastructure, if left unchecked, can quickly spiral out of control. Additionally, migrating legacy applications to the cloud that still require support can often be complex.

Fortunately, VMware and Microsoft Azure together have a solution to address these concerns.Azure VMware Solution

Azure VMware Solutions - NetworkingAzure VMware Solution (AVS) is a comprehensive VMware environment on dedicated Azure infrastructure designed by Microsoft and VMware. AVS is built on Azure bare metal leveraging the power of modern Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and runs VMware workloads natively on Azure, supported and operated by Microsoft. It allows you to manage and secure your applications across a VMware environment and Microsoft Azure with a consistent and familiar operating framework, while gaining the power and flexibility of the cloud. Additionally, it’s simple to extend your existing VMware infrastructure to the cloud by using NSX and HCX technology that your organization may already have deployed within its data centers.

When one of the nation’s largest retail food group purchasing organizations wanted to move its physical disaster recovery data centers to the cloud and solve challenges around end-of-life operating systems, Presidio was brought in to tackle migrations.  Utilizing AVS as a simplified cloud platform, Presidio helped the client make the move while allowing its engineers to manage and maintain the environment with their existing knowledge of VMware virtualization.

Presidio’s capabilities and certifications – comprising seven VMware Master Competencies,  15 Microsoft Gold Competencies and Micorosft Advanced specializations – enable us to guide you with confidence along your journey of hybridizing your on-premise infrastructure to the cloud.  Make Presidio your Microsoft Azure and VMware partner for the right tools and support to deploy and manage your cloud environment efficiently.

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