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Texas Dir Contracts
Presidio offers Cabling products and related services under contract DIR-CPO-4803.Generate a purchase order, made payable to Presidio. You must reference the DIR Contract Number DIR CPO-4803 on your purchase order. E-mail or Fax your purchase order and quote form to your designated Presidio sales representative.


Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC, provides Software COTS and Related Services through this contract. Presidio offers a variety brands and services. In addition, Presidio offers Turnkey Solutions which includes hardware, Software and Services. Presidio offers the following services but not limited to: Manufacturer Support, Installation, Implementation, Training, Project Management, Integration, Business Analysis, etc. Customers can purchase directly through this DIR contract. Contracts may be used by state and local government, public education, other public entities in Texas, as well as public entities outside the state. Resellers are not available for this contract.