Insight Blog

Pinewood Blog 1 Featured Image

12 Aug: What the Pinewood Derby Can Teach You About Cybersecurity

Taking the spirit of a popular classic childhood event and transforming it into a day of competition and fun + relating this to cybersecurity? Challenge accepted. The Pinewood Derby, a rite of passage for kids in the Boy Scouts of America, is a wood car racing event. Traditionally, each Cub Scout receives a block of pinewood, plastic wheels and metal axles to create a crewless, unpowered miniature car. Although simple in concept, the art and skill come in crafting a car that reduces friction, has an aerodynamic design. The competition also takes into account all-around sportsmanship and collaboration. These concepts can also be applied in many ways including your cybersecurity posture.

Rob Kim Blog Part 4

30 Jul: Top 5 IT Themes for 2022 in a Post-COVID World: Part Four

A couple of years ago, our family moved to a new home. To no surprise, the simple act of having to pack up belongings and move them to the new house forced us to get rid of all the junk. Two years later, we have accumulated a lot more junk in our house, yet the annual process of purging has not yielded nearly as much clean-up as that single move. This is the essence of “Move to Improve” – the rationalization method that accelerated during COVID. For many organizations that were paralyzed and as an effect had not modernized their virtual environments, a simple move to the cloud via VMC allowed a quick way to get out of the technology debt that accumulated over the course of years. Without the lingering technical baggage, the move to modernize workloads to cloud-native became much easier. Moving and then improving helped accelerate digital initiatives like workload portability (deploying Kubernetes and container strategies) as well as OS and DB migrations to Linux and RDS, respectively.

Rob Kim Blog Part 3

29 Jul: Top 5 IT Themes for 2022 in a Post-COVID World: Part Three

It is generally agreed that workloads are what determine the resourcing options. Anytime we typically hear about the “repatriation of workloads” from the cloud back to on-premise deployments, it is typically a consequence of not properly rationalizing the best migration option for said workload. And as expected, the workloads that migrate first and remained in the cloud were those around re-factoring/re-engineering of applications, or re-purchasing through SaaS delivery options.

Rob Kim Blog 2022 Post Covid Part 2

27 Jul: Top 5 IT Themes for 2022 in a Post COVID World: Part Two

In part 1 of this blog, we focused on client survey research and industry analysis to explore the changing technology approaches to IT modernization. Traditional IT approaches are too complicated, require too much upfront information, take too long to design and deploy. They also lack intuitiveness, requiring a learning curve for the end-user to adopt and become proficient. Consumerism stresses traditional IT approaches.There is a reason why new technology approaches bear names like LEAN, Agile, Kanban, sprints, and the like – it’s about SPEED.

Rob Kim Blog Part 1 Tile

26 Jul: Top 5 IT Themes for 2022 in a Post COVID World

It’s been quite a year! Organizations need their IT leaders to step it up faster than ever despite restrictions from quarantine mandates and economic uncertainty. Security is center stage and digital transformation became a necessity. The biggest obstacle? Talent – how to find, recruit, invest, and retain the most valuable asset in modernizing IT.

Cloud Calling

13 Jul: Take Your Calling and Collaboration to the Cloud—Without the Pitfalls

Many companies are migrating to the cloud, but they have to navigate various complexities and avoid a few “gotchas” along the way. The “work from anywhere” trend accelerated by the pandemic last year has become the new norm for many businesses, and it’s leading to an explosion of cloud adoption. Analysts estimate that 90% of enterprise customers are looking to the cloud for calling and other unified communications (UC) infrastructure. There are undeniable benefits of migrating calling and collaboration to the cloud, but you’re missing out if you’re not integrating these solutions and other business apps. Consider the following example: A collaboration team works in the same document via a file-sharing application, and they want to update other contributors. The app sends notices via email and connects with calling, messaging and meeting apps from three vendors. Each contributor is forced into an endless cycle of context switching between three or more applications while actively collaborating on the project. Sadly, this is the norm for many companies.

Azure VMware Solution

30 Jun: Getting the Most Out of Your VMware Workloads in the Microsoft Azure Cloud

In any industry the availability to scale to meet demand is paramount. Having a technology infrastructure in place to do so could be the difference between success and failure. Cloud services are designed to fulfill this exact need. However, organizations that make this realization and shift their resources face many questions: what type of cloud best matches our needs? How do we know which services we need? Should we choose on-premises, public, or a hybrid cloud? Finding answers – or even knowing if you’re asking the right questions – can seem daunting.

Enterprise Edge Blog Image

15 Jun: Simplifying the Extended Enterprise with Presidio’s Enterprise Edge Solutions

For more than 20 years, Presidio has been an influential force in solving challenging problems with simplified solutions across the Enterprise and beyond. Presidio’s focus is on transforming where and how our clients work, modernizing their infrastructure to prepare them for future scale. We help ensure that they have adopted the right cloud strategy, securing everything from the edge devices that sit on the perimeter, across multiple connectivity methods and large data lakes, and through the cloud.

Digital Workplace

08 Jun: The Key to Maximizing Business Collaboration Solutions and Conferencing Effectiveness

Looking at the “new office,” Presidio is helping customers enhance their current capabilities to bring the office where their employees are. Every aspect of collaboration has a human touch to it, and we help customers become future-ready. It’s about connecting people, and companies can’t afford to make a mistake with their most valuable resource—their employees. 

3 Basic Zero Trust Blog Image

26 May: The 3 Basic Principles of a Zero Trust Strategy

Despite efforts within the cyber security industry to oversimplify the concept, Zero Trust should be thought of as a strategy and framework, as opposed to a problem addressable simply by implementing technology. Technology plays an important role in providing technical security controls such as strong authentication, least privilege, and impeded lateral movement, etc. which contributes to achieving a Zero Trust model. The combination of a strategically curated eco-system of technical controls and processes requires executive buy-in and organizational support to succeed.