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Part 4: The Right Team for your Cybersecurity and the Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Part 4 FI

Missed last week’s blog? Read it Here!

Sportsmanship and collaboration are the key to success – whether it’s a sports team, colleagues on a project, or winning the Pinewood Derby. Because people are at the center of the data, threats and attacks, and the protection against those, leading security solutions companys such as Proofpoint takes a people-centric approach to cybersecurity. Here at Presidio, our philosophy is also centered around our team of technical experts and  getting the RIGHT people in the RIGHT roles to deliver impactful business outcomes for you.

Proofpoint Pinewood Derby Tip

It’s almost race day! Is your car ready to go?  Does it final touches such t  paint and sponsor stickers? Or if you are new to Pinewood Derby, maybe you want to consult with  experienced racers at the event. Either way is fine, because that’s the beauty of the Pinewood Derby, it’s for everyone!

  • To ensure a great event, remember to follow the official rules. These make it fair for everyone and allow for a clear winner.
  • If you think your car may not be the fastest, we recommend putting your artistic skills to work. Prizes will be awarded for best decorated!
  • If you aren’t joining us in person, consider hosting your own Pinewood Derby! Check our social media on September 8th for inspiration.

Proofpoint People-Centric, Data Security Tips

  • Advanced Technology: as attacks become more sophisticated, the technology to protect organizations needs to keep up and stay one step ahead. Scans that look only for bad code or known threats are not enough anymore, threats are now being coded as silent downloads into seemingly safe documents. In fact, 54% of malicious URLs came from legitimate file shares from Microsoft.
  • Make Email Security a priority: While most companies security budget only has 10% dedicated to Email, 94% of breaches start with attacks targeting people via email. It is the #1 threat vector to launch attacks, and it works.
  • Utilize a Threat index: to help you understand an organization’s human attack surface, Proofpoint has created the Proofpoint Attack Index. The attack Index quantifies a company’s risk based on:
    • Actor type (e.g. well-known, state actor vs. unknown actor)
    • Targeting type (e.g. highly targeted vs. broad-based campaigns)
    • Threat type (e.g. How risky is the threat? Is it backdoor malware or cred phish?)
    • Attack volume (e.g. How much is this person being attacked?)

This can help organizations identify highly targeted people and surface interesting threats from the noise of everyday threat activity.

Now that you are equipped with the right materials to upgrade your cybersecurity and win the Pinewood Derby, we hope to see you September 8th – either in person, or virtually!


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